Really good
Really good
Really nice
Simple. Easy to use & adapt. Con: no videos, graphics.
Its a very great app but it would be nice to have options like under the category "set" have drop set and super set ect.. Just more options. But overall nicely organized.
Im recovering from post-viral syndrome (form of chronic fatigue), and use this app to record my efforts to reintroduce exercise into my life. Its easy to use. I have been able to create, name and save a variety of routines, any of which can be loaded instantly when I go to the gym. I make use of the feature that enables comments to be written about the workout. Any of your saved workouts can be edited ( to add notes, etc) at any time, even after you opt to end the workout session. I held back one star because there seems to be room to add more preset exercises; Ive had to add some custom sets which actually quite standard.
Really like this app I can track my progress quite well
Just purchased the unlimited package. It has everything I need to keep track of my weight training routine! I have been working out for 17 years and this is the app I have been waiting for. I tried other apps but they are way too heavy (videos, pictures, etc...) Great job and keep the updates coming!
I have to say I love how you can enter things manually. A lot of the time I forget what an exercise is called so I nickname it, helpful to me cause I can name it what I know it instead of trying to find what it is or could be called. Great for keeping track of workout, reps and weight, lets you watch your progress.
Great intuitive workout tracker. Does exactly what you need without all the fluff. The web history/backup of workouts is a great new feature. Great app - pro features are worth the small cost too!
Great app to track all workout. Auto fill is fantastic. Few things needs to improve but overall great app. Recommended
Simple to use, got everything you need to log your workouts!
Love the ease and simplicity of this app when working out. Heavy breathing, tired muscles and time constraints dont typically make app operation a smooth experience. This app elevates the trouble of navigating complex menus. Making data input fast and simple. Love integration with runkeeper!
Its a great app for logging workouts. Its not annoying like other apps that make you choose the exercises they list but it lets you type in your own and it calculates everything for you with graphs and charts. Amazing app!
Keep improving and it will be 5 star. A cardio element is missing and a calorie tracker would be nice. Keep up the good work...out !
This app looks to be the best of the bunch, but only because nobody seems to have written a great workout tracker. Lots of stuff is broken: I frequently have to restart to get into workout & exercise menus, reordering exercises works sporadically, workout charts are inaccurate (it still says 0kg for my leg exercises on a few charts) etc. The interface is also confusing; sometimes you swipe to delete, sometimes you swipe to share. The paid-for convenience features are nice (auto populate last set and weight #s) but yet theres no "preload my last workout" button. If they do make one, itll likely be in-app purchase.
Perfect for working out and keeping track of progress. This app replace my jefit app 100x over. Keep up the good work!
Hi. Why did you remove the days of the week from the menu and left Tuesday? I liked that cause my gym days are certain days of the week and I sometimes forget to log. Having the days of the week helped me see if I logged or not.
Really great app. Exactly what I was looking for. Simple and slick. One problem. Would prefer to type in weight rather than have to scroll to the number each time.
It takes a little while to get used to using Gym Hero, but once you have translated your workout info into the app, its sooo easy to use! I love the online synching too, so I can see my stats in real time online. I do wish I could change the weight measurement system online to see my progress in pounds, not kilograms, however.
I like it it keeps track of my workout for me - no need to waste paper!!